About Us


THE JIM THORPE CURRENT is a monthly, full color, community newspaper celebrating the amazing Pocono Mountains area surrounding Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania!

THE JIM THORPE CURRENT features local stories and people profiles, bringing you news of what’s going on in the Jim Thorpe area, where to go, what to do, who to see, where to stay, where to play, what to eat and drink, news of festivals and more. Our goal is to be the “bulletin board” for those seeking to inform and tell their story to Jim Thorpe’s visitor, vacation home and local area population.

POCONO VISITORS: Think about the times you’ve visited an unfamiliar resort town. Where’s a great place to dine? What fun things can I do with the kids? How do I find myself on one of those fun looking rafts out on the river? Is there any live music this weekend to check out? Where’s a great spot to try some local cuisine? Who do I call about checking out some vacation home real estate?

FOR LOCALS: We also cover what’s coming up in our local community. People making a difference, charity events, local talks and seminars. You’ll find school, camp and library news. A new recipe by a local chef or mixologist. Schedules of fun festivals happening in our own backyard. And of course some great historical stories for locals and visitors alike to learn more about this unique and fascinating strip of longitude and latitude we call home. Send us your news at JD@JimThorpeCurrent.com

DELIVERY LOCATIONS spotlight those places that tourists, visitors, and even locals love to visit and explore. You’ll find us at Jim Thorpe area hotels, inns and B&B’s. You’ll find us where everyone loves to catch a morning cup of coffee or juice. Pick us up at the Chamber of Commerce, the Visitor Center, the Mauch Chunk Opera House, your favorite green market or at the Library.

At visitor centers, the chamber of commerce, libraries, restaurants, retailers, real estate offices, coffee shops, 

You’ll find us at area restaurants and boutiques, real estate offices and sidewalk racks, pizza parlors and bars, ski lodges, golf courses, wineries and more. We’re always looking for new drop off locations where visitors and locals alike can pick up their own copy, each and every month to find out what’s happening all over our eclectic Switzerland of America.

ADVERTISERS: Want to reach Jim Thorpe area tourists or locals venturing out? Wondering how to let them know about your boutique, your restaurant specials, your weekend music lineup, your downtown Broadway biz, your vacation rental, your unique product or service they just have to know about?

Our readers, and potential customers of yours, will be searching our pages to find you and your business. Make it easy for them, with a beautiful, full color message in The Jim Thorpe Current. CLICK HERE to view our 2024 Rate Card. You’ll love our simple, low-cost, yet highly effective media solution to reaching this energetic reader base with your advertising message. Email us at JD@JimThorpeCurrent.com

Let us know how we can be of help. We look forward to having you as a partner, as a distribution location, news source, advertiser, or just as an enthusiastic supporter!

Thanks for reading!

Jeffrey “JD” Diaz – Publisher/Executive Editor

The Jim Thorpe Current

PO Box #222

Jim Thorpe, PA 18229



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