Dimmick Workers Help Local Author Find Success

Former Library workers Irene Hudock and Charlotte Kriley met up with Jim Thorpe author Sarah Robsdottir (center) to drop off a stack of signed books at the Dimmick

Jim Thorpe author Sarah Robsdottir met up with a few of her early proofreaders to celebrate the launch of her debut novel Brave Water, a romance/ adventure story for ages 13 to Adult that deals with human trafficking in east Africa and around the world.

Irene Hudock, Charlotte Kriley (both pictured above) and Christina Becker were all staff members at Dimmick Memorial Library almost a decade ago when Robsdottir approached them with her seven homeschooled sons in tow and hard copies of her manuscript, “I knew these ladies were well-read,” Robsdottir explained on social media, “I also knew they’d give me honest feedback as they had helped me with a few essay contests in the past.”  

Susan Sterling, the head librarian at the time and a beloved member of the community who has since passed away from cancer, was also an early supporter of Robsdottir’s work, “Susan never got a chance to read Brave Water,” Robsdottir explained, “because she’d grown too ill, but she always complimented my magazine articles and said sweet things like ‘keep up the good work’ any time she saw me. I considered Susan exceptionally bright, so it always meant a lot to me.” 

While time has marched on and most of the staff members who wouldn’t let Robsdottir give up on this project no longer work at the library, the new head librarian Kara Brumfield Edmonds and other staff members are equally enthusiastic. They gathered recently to celebrate the launch of Brave Water with Voyage Publishing (the book is also available at Amazon.com). Robsdottir thanked them all for their support and left a stack of signed novels at the library for sale; 100% of the proceeds of these signed novels benefit the Dimmick Library. 

Sarah Robsdottir is a homeschooling mom to seven growing sons. One day a flyer arrived in her mailbox describing the dire need for clean drinking water in developing nations; it also explained how water gatherers are often targeted on their paths to the spring by human traffickers. Sarah locked eyes with the teenage girl on the cover and knew she had to tell her story.

Sarah is a freelance writer for Aleteia.org. Her work has also appeared at Crisis Magazine, Patheos.com and Catholic Digest.

25% of author’s proceeds go to charities that aid in water acquisition and that fight human trafficking around the world.

What People are Saying about Brave Water

“A powerfully written tale about an imagined place that is someone else’s reality and about people so delicately drawn that you won’t want to turn the page. But you must…”  Susie Lloyd, three-time Catholic Press Association award-winning author

“A bold, vivid dive into African culture– my daughters compared it to Esperanza Rising. I admire the author for what she has accomplished.” — Tom Hoopes, Writer in Residence at Benedictine College in Kansas

Website: https://voyagecomics.com/brave-water/

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