Learning Through the Holidays

By Christine Allen • President • Reading Escapades & Math Explorers

While you are at home during the holiday season, it is the perfect time to extend learning past the classroom.  By adding it into your child’s everyday life, it allows for extra practice, as well as fun ways to learn new things they wouldn’t be able to, especially with the pandemic this year. Here are some ways I like to incorporate learning at home:

• Cooking together is a great way to get past the dreaded fractions unit in school. Allow your child to both read the numbers in the recipe as well as measure out the proper amount of ingredients.

• Sitting down with a store catalog can also be an interesting lesson. After your child pick has out all the things they want, have them add up the prices and find out what their list costs. For older kids, allow them to work more directly with the percent off sales, finding out how much money you could be saving.

You can then take these real-world numbers or come up with new ones, to create a story describing the way an answer was obtained. This can help children work with word problems in ways that they can understand and not be afraid.

• Playing board games can be an unexpected way to add learning into a task your child may not normally enjoy. Start with having family members come up with challenge cards for each member of the family with their names on one side of the card and the question on the other.  You will be surprised at the hard questions your kids ask for you!

Then work together to create a game board either on a file folder or a clean pizza box, taking care to include special squares where there are bonus actions and consequence spaces. Finally, play the game which will not only help with facts but create exciting family memories.

For more ideas and ways to create new family memories on the holidays, check out our website www.read2day.com where we have books full of fun (and activities) that you can use to make learning a joy.


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