Thank You Ron Chupp: Gift to Local Artist’s Wife Brings Joy to Local Shop Owner

Maria Loyd

by Maria Loyd • Special to The Current

I am the owner of MABACOL, a shoe gallery in Jim Thorpe. It is located a couple of blocks down Broadway from my friend Ron Chupp, the owner of the amazing art gallery, Black Diamond Gallery! 

I am really happy we both are close to each other. It is funny but the only time we both see each other is when I am walking down to my own shoe gallery after having to park my car so far away up the mountain. I walk right by his beautiful Victorian place and I always find myself looking up to him so much as he is always just in front of his gallery, plying his artistic craft right there on the street! It is amazing and I always say, “GREAT JOB MAN”.

That’s all we have time for, just lightly saying hello . . . but he surprised me one day by expressing to one of my employees that he wanted to talk to me. I was worried that something was wrong. I made an exclusive trip to downtown during the weekday so that it would be easier for both of us to talk. 

I knocked on his door and he told me in a very whispery tone, “I can’t talk here”. I was very afraid that the problem was bigger than I thought! He asked me if we could talk at my shoe store instead and I replied that of course we could. 

We arrived at my shop and guess what? He told me the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard from this fantastic artist and friend.

“I want to buy a pair of your fabulous shoes as a surprise present for my wife”. And then he said, “but I wanted to talk to you because I don’t know which ones” My heart melted  . . . what a sweetheart . . OMG!! And what an honor that he was choosing my shoes as his special present.

I told him that I would choose a pair that a lot of women, as well as I personally, really like. I am pretty sure that your wife will love them as well and I will put them on the side for you”. I chose a black medicinal wood heel and then I wrapped around my “Artistic Wrap” presentation. As many locals are aware, I create and personalize each
“Artistic Wrap” and Ron then came to pick up his, one following night.  

I gently opened the package for him to see what I chose for his wife and he told me, “Let me see her size section in the store and when he saw another pair that he was confident  that she would like he said, “These ones will be the ones she will like”.  

I was surprised about the exchange for my medicinal coffee bean shoes, as they are a bit more like sneakers, more everyday shoes. But he knows his wife and he rocked the present! His wife came by the store weeks later to say thank you and how much she loved the shoes and the special packaging. 

Well that’s not the end of the story. Ron my amazing friend, drew an equally amazing thank you art piece card for me. I feel so honored and so appreciative of making his wife so happy with my shoes and you Ron, made me so happy with this amazing gift of your artistic talent. It reads . . .


Today it hangs on one of my room walls, along with the poem “Lost Brother in the Wind” which Jim Thorpe’s mom, Charlotte Thorpe, wrote when Jim Thorpe’s twin brother Charley died. John Thorpe, Jim Thorpe’s grandson, gave it to me honoring my native art activity! 

Thank you so much Ron for your kindness and your beautiful soul. Love, love, love my art piece.

If you want to visit Ron Chupp and the Black Diamond Gallery, he is located at 31 West Broadway in Jim Thorpe. 570-325-5215

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