Mindful Moments: January Give A Way

By Shelley Jaye  • Jim Thorpe Massage & Wellness Studio

mind·ful·ness (NOUN)

1. the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.

2. a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

January Give A Way

Happy, healthy New Years to you! I have made a resolution to take some quiet time for myself each week. That means saying no to some fun invites, volunteering on less committees and delegating things I can.

What is your resolution? It is not too late to make a New Years resolution if you have not already done so. But wait! How do we set up these resolutions for success when the failure rate is so high? Are you willing to think about your resolutions in a different way? Find a cozy spot to settle in and read on.

Change is challenging! As if you didn’t already know that. If it was easy, everyone would have already succeeded in their goals and what a different world it would be. We can shift our focus on the process. Think about our resolution as attainable steps to change as an infinite number of moments, mindful moments that transform into the results that we desire.

We can grow, improve, change and accomplish our resolutions, one mindful moment at a time. Begin your day with a positive thought incorporating your successful resolution. Make it yours! We can do this.

Please share your resolutions, comments and suggestions through email to me at JimThorpeMassage@gmail.com. Please write “Mindful Moments,” in the subject line. If you would like to make your comment available to be share here let me know in the email.

All responses received in January will be eligible for a drawing for a $15.00 gift certificate at Jim Thorpe Massage & Wellness Studio. This is good for a chair massage or can be used towards any service with me, Shelley.


Kim is the winner for December.

Kim wrote, “Self-care and mindfulness is one of my favorite topics.  I’m a counselor at a local agency that provides services to individuals struggling with substance abuse issues and we remind folks in times of stress to “HALT.”

“HALT,” is an acronym to check-in with yourself to address the following:  Am I hungry? Am I Angry? Am I lonely? Am I Tired? All too often we neglect basic needs of self-care and if we were to just take a moment to breathe, ask ourselves those simple questions and take care of that need, we can reset our whole mind-state.

Much of adult life is chaotic. Often it is boring, routine, filled with petty day-to-day frustrations. I often remind folks to remember that ultimately, we get to sculpt our reality. Perception is a beautiful thing!  For example, my morning commute 4 days per week depending on traffic is 50 minutes. If I chose to, I could start my day off complaining – utterly miserable and dreading the day.

I have trained myself to view this as time to mentally prepare for the work day. I look forward to my morning and evening commute. I listen to music, sit silently, and reflect on what I have to do that day. On my way home, I decompress any stress so that it doesn’t come home with me. Self-discipline and self-care brings me incredible personal gratification and joy.  Thank you for letting me share.”

Much gratitude! Shelley

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