“Float Your Boat” Sets Sail on Lake Harmony August 17th

Kidder Township is among the most beautiful areas of the region with its lakes, streams, mountains and wooded landscapes. To enhance the safety and experience of its residents and numerous visitors, Kidder Township is building hike and bike trails through some of the most picturesque areas. 

Assisting Volunteers have also formed a non-profit under the Lake Harmony Watershed Preservation Group 501(c)(3) EIN 23-2810895 called the “Kidder Hike and Bike Trail Group”.

Their major annual fundraiser, Float Your Boat”, is scheduled for August 17, 2019 from Noon-4:00 PM at the Split Rock Lagoon. You can support the trail construction and the fundraiser through sponsorship and participation. To make your contribution contact Barbara at 570-233-0214. Sponsorship levels include:

Gold level sponsor – A donation of $1000 or more. At this level your business will be featured at all events and on all social media and printed promotions.

Silver level sponsor – A donation of $500 or more. At this level your business will be featured at all events and at the Float Your Boat event.

Bronze level sponsor – A donation of $250 or more. At this level your business will be featured at the Float Your Boat event.

Friend of the Trail – A donation of $50 or more or an in-kind product gift basket/gift certificate valued at $50 with your company name featured on it at our big basket raffle at the Float Your Boat event.

Visit Kidderhikebiketrail.wordpress.com and https://FloatYourBoat.net; the FaceBook page, Kidder Hike Bike Trail Group; and subscribe to Hike and Bike Trails email list at  KidderTwpTrail@yahoo.com, for more details.

When:  Sunday, August 17, 2018   12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.  

Where: Split Rock Resort Lagoon

428 Moseywood Road in Lake Harmony

Register at: https://FloatYourBoat.net

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