GhostWalks: Jim Thorpe Rotary Brings Fun and Funds to Local Projects

For nearly 20 years, the Rotary Club of Jim Thorpe has sponsored the GhostWalks in Old Mauch Chunk. As the club’s major fund raiser, the GhostWalks have annually entertained approximately 1000 men, women, and children on weekend evenings during September, October, November, and December.

The one-mile roundtrip walks start at the Inn at Jim Thorpe, 24 Broadway. Led by a costumed storyteller with lantern, the walks, all outside, last about an hour. These GhostGuides share intriguing tales of lore of reported ghoulish encounters and stories of historic properties and people along Broadway and Race Street.

Walks are generally scheduled on Fridays at 7 p.m., Saturdays at 7 and 8:30, and during October, also on Sundays at 7. Check for exact times. Walks are subject to change however, if the spirits call for rain! Walk-ins are always welcome but space on each walk is limited so call 484 629-3698 to reserve your spot. First come, first served without reservations. Private walks may also be available on certain dates and times for groups of 10 or more.  Call for more information.

Donation for Adults is $12, children, 7-12, $6, cash or checks only. While not scary, the GhostWalks are not recommended for children under 7 because they get distracted with some of the longer stories. Attentive children are certainly welcome, however. To purchase tickets, look for the GhostHost in the lower level conference room at the Inn at Jim Thorpe. Enter through the door below the front porch.

Proceeds from the GhostWalks as well as other fund raisers help to annually support a number of local community and Rotary International projects. First, the Summer Recreation Program provides eight weeks of fun activities at Memorial Park for over 200 second through sixth graders from the Jim Thorpe Area School District. Second, the Holiday Giving Program provides over 125 children in need of all ages with clothing, shoes and infant supplies. Next, the club provides dictionaries to every third grader in the school district.

Further, the club awards four college scholarships to graduating seniors from Jim Thorpe Area High School, Marian Catholic High School, and Carbon Career and Technical Institute. Four rising juniors from JTAHS and CCTI also receive scholarships to the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, a summer leadership gathering at a local college. The club also sponsors 16 seniors as Student Rotarians where they are exposed to the workings of a civic organization. In addition to sponsoring a Jim Thorpe Youth Soccer team, the club also contributes to myriad requests from other community organizations.

Internationally, club members contribute to humanitarian causes promoting peace; fighting disease, including the eradication of polio; providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; saving mothers and children; education; and growing local economies.

The club is always looking for more civic minded individuals to help with the growing list of projects. Call 484 629-3698 or stop by our meeting every Tuesday at noon at Subway’s  Gathering Place next to the Jim Thorpe Post Office.

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