Jim Thorpe St. Patty’s Day Parade

The Jim Thorpe Tourism Agency is actively engaged in attempting to continue the 21 year tradition of the Saint Patty’s Day Parade in Jim Thorpe. As many know, the long-time organizers have announced they are no longer able to organize and produce this Jim Thorpe landmark event.

Members of the JTTA Board of Directors have met with previous parade organizers in an effort to learn the details of the able production. As well, they have held discussions at the JTTA Membership Meetings to gage interest among it’s members in continuing the event. The BOD’s findings are:

• There is mixed interest in continuing the parade. Many residents and members feel this is a yearly icon of the Historic District and can not be allowed to end, while others feel that “it has run it’s course”

• There is agreement that should the parade continue, it should “return to it’s roots”; that is- a more community focused event [ie: the return of school marching bands], and be about half the size of the most recent parade, which most agree had grown too long.

• Also supported is a weekend festival event, engaging local businesses to feature Irish food and drink, Irish music and other St. Patty’s related entertainment and events.

The bottom line however is that for a continuation of the parade and/or the formation of a festival, the JTTA needs an individual or individuals to step up to the plate and serve as committee chair/s. Additionally, other members of the community are needed to assist on the committee and in the production of any event. Unfortunately, the current JTTA Board finds itself unable to absorb another event to produce, with Fall Festival, Old Time Christmas and Winterfest all in production at this time.

If you are interested in learning more, or volunteering to chair or assist in the proposed 2019 St. Patty’s Parade  Festival, kindly contact Jen Christman or Michael Rivkin. The JTTA’s deadline in making it’s decision on any 2019 St. Patty’s Day event is late September. At that time, production of any event would need to begin, or be placed on hold pending further interest.

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