Mindful Moments

By Shelley Jaye  • Jim Thorpe Massage & Wellness Studio

mind·ful·ness (NOUN)

1. the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.

2. a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Are there times when your mind is going too fast and it feels as though you can’t quite get on top of your thoughts? When I am not conscious about taking time to meditate and give my mind rest, I have experienced multiple thoughts simultaneously. This can also be multiple emotions or a feeling of being over whelmed.

As we begin to understand the mind in a holistic sense it may ease your worries as your mind is running in different directions. We can empower ourselves in our words, actions and intensions by learning about the four parts of our mind.

1. Mind – the part of our mind that we are utilizing for our emotions.

• Like or dislike – we decide almost instantly. Example: I love that smell. That is an ugly color.

2. Intellect – this is our rational mind. This gives us awareness

• We can remember experience, and are guided to decisions

3. Ego – our sense of self, who we are and our individuality.

• Plays an important role in our happiness or lack of

  Our sense of “I”

4. Unconscious Mind – the store-house of emotions.

• Unprocessed, unresolved, I refer to as our, “battle scars”

Becoming familiar with these as a part of mindfulness will bring you towards a deeper understanding of yourself. Your practice is to tune in multiple times during the day. Check in with yourself and ask how you’re doing. See if you can decide which part or parts of your mind is mostly engaged.

If you have questions or would like to share your experience, feel free to email me at JimThorpeMassage.com. Please write “Mindful Moments,” in the subject line. If you would like to make your comment available to be shared here in this column, let me know in the email.

Much gratitude! Shelley

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