Style: 3 Philly Girls Living Their Business Dreams In JT

Dina Nehring from Cheltenham, Marianne Monteleone from Mount Airy and Janet Costa from Elkins Park all found their way to Jim Thorpe and now purvey the results of their dreams in the Former Cortright Mansion at 68 Broadway.

Dina Nehring: Mauch Chunk Ink

Twenty some years ago Dina heard a fact that Americans own 25 T-shirts on average. She believes T-shirts really are part of the fabric of American society. (pun intended)

The classic tee first appeared for men somewhere between 1898 -1913 when the U.S. Navy began issuing them as undergarments during the Spanish American War. These were crew-necked, short sleeved and made from white cotton (still the best selling tee today!) It was a buttonless slip-on garment “ideal for bachelors” which quickly transformed from an undergarment for men to a comfortable garment to be worn alone for sport.

Most of us are familiar with the iconic photo of Jim Thorpe at the 1912 Olympics wearing his mismatched shoes. Interestingly, he is also wearing what Dina believes to be one of the first printed graphic tees.

Outside of the military and sports arena, the practice of wearing  T-Shirts as outerwear was deemed inappropriate until Hollywood got involved with Marlon Brando wearing one as outerwear in the 1951 movie A Streetcar Named Desire.  T-Shirts as a fashion statement arguably received their biggest boost when James Dean made them the iconic symbol of rebellious youth in the 1955 movie Rebel Without A Cause.

Printing of tees exploded in the 1960’s with the anti-war movement. Advertisers followed suit in 1970’s and there has been no looking back or slowing of the trend. At the urging of her partner at the time, Dina left her career in the radio industry and started a commercial screen-printing company in Philadelphia.

Her business started in 1999, and her 20 year anniversary is coming up in September.

The most challenging part of Dina industry is the often repetitious nature. The most rewarding part is people’s reactions.  Their laughter at a funny print or delight at seeing their own designs is the best.

Repeat customers and word of mouth recommendations let her know what customers feel about her service and products. They don’t hesitate to comment.

Dina’s comments: “I rent here at 68 Broadway because I love the landlord!”

My specialty is custom prints with specialty inks such at glitter, metallic, puffy and reflective inks.

Hours: Change with the seasons and the weather.  January: closed everyday.  October:  open everyday.

Janet Costa: Which Soup?

Janet’s business concept is fast food that is healthy. She wants to give Jim Thorpe visitors and locals a tasty and hunger satisfying quick meal.

She started her business last fall, October to Christmas. She closed for the winter and is back this spring until Christmas.

Dina and Janet have known each other since high school. When Dina  mentioned  having a food window in Jim Thorpe, Janet told Dina her crazy soup idea. Dina gave her the green light and encouragement to go for it.

So after 30 years behind the pharmacy counter, Janet decided to take her love of cooking to the take-out counter at 68 Broadway.  Soup is the best medicine and she would know! The most challenging part is balancing her 3 jobs. She is a pharmacist at a large company and also at a nursing home in addition to being a soup chef. The reward is the happy feedback from the satisfied customers.

Which Soup offers 4 varieties of delicious soups that change every weekend, with at least one vegan and gluten free option. All soup is homemade and includes fresh bread. 

Janet always loved cooking. Starting with baking box cakes at 9, she ventured into cream puffs by 12 years of age. Her family and friends have been her tasters over the years.

Janet’s comments: “I always loved soup. A yummy bowl of soup anytime of year just makes me happy. My Italian wedding soup is one of my favorites and I have been making it for over 30 years.”

Hours: Which Soup is open 3 weekends a month – Saturday & Sunday 11-4 or until the soup runs out. Check out Instagram (WhichSoup68) or Facebook (Which Soup Jim Thorpe) for soups each week.

Marianne Monteleone: MM Design

Marianne started her clothing Design business when she and her husband bought a commercial building on Broadway in 1993. Using available resources, she bought upholstery remnants from the local furniture factory in Lehighton and designed and made one of a kind jackets herself. Women who bought the jackets asked the inevitable question: What do I wear this with? The collection expanded as various seamstresses helped to keep the inventory made locally.

With the idea of making every square foot of the building count, over time the family renovated the 3000-square-foot building to include three luxury Suites on the second and third floors. Both businesses thrived and in March of 2019, the building was sold and Marianne moved her design business into the Cortright House.

The compact space is inviting, with a beautiful crystal chandelier and original gas fireplace, and Oriental wool carpet – perfect to display the clothing designs which now include local, USA and Canadian based collections.

Repeat clientele and new customers are thrilled to experience this great new location.  The cute little side alley invites curious visitors to explore and they find Marianne’s Designs and Janet’s soups!

Marianne’s comments:  I never planned to be in business. I just followed my instinct and creativity and available resources to do what I wanted. I have been sewing since I was six years old, and now am creating garments by repurposing! Because of downsizing, I work from home and while I am sewing I get to look out the picture window onto the beautiful and serene grounds of our farm on the east side of Jim Thorpe. I am so grateful and having so much fun. Who would have dreamed?

Hours: Friday 12-4, Saturday 11-5, Sunday 12-4  Weekdays by appointment. 610-333-5500

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